It has been a week since I had released the word of the Lord concerning subtle Anger. While in prayer this week, the Lord began to speak to me about guarding the heart. I heard Proverbs 4:23 so clearly in my spirit.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.- NKJV.
The NLT says it like this,
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
Lastly the CEV says it like this,
“Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life.
Look at the words keep and guard. Those two words are vital definitions. The type of protecting the Lord is speaking of is like prison gate guarding. When you think of a prison gate, the only way someone is breaking out of that is with a key, or they have to blow it up to get out. We need to guard our hearts.
We tend to look at this from the perspective of guarding our hearts against other people. But I believe the Lord wants us to guard our hearts from ourselves first. The reason why I say that is because it says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.” Our emotions are felt in our hearts but processed in our minds.
For something to come out, there is an indication that it must be inward. Your heart, mind, and mouth are all connected. What you Think, you will feel, and eventually, without properly guarding those issues, you will speak.
You’re made in God’s image. Therefore, you can create like Him. God created with words. You create your world with your words coming from the heart and mind.
Guard, keep, and watch your heart. The world you see is the one that the Lord has given you the ability to create. Keep in mind this is based upon your life, not the lives of others around you. But your own life.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to check your heart. If you discover something you don’t like, ask Him to help you through the process. If the technique involves you getting help, pray that He sends you the right people. Then after that, get on your feet and make it happen. Guard your heart and remember faith without works is dead.
Be open to how the Lord may reveal to you what’s really in your heart. The Lord may give you a dream, or you may have a dream from your soul. Either way, both types of dreams need to be interpreted. This way, you can understand what the Lord may be conveying. We do process a lot of our emotions through our dreams. Many people don’t always know how to interpret them, which is why I wrote the book “WHAT GOD IS SAYING ABOUT YOUR DREAMS! Then taught this one-day class teaching HOW TO INTERPRET YOUR DREAMS. Understanding your dreams brings clarity and direction.
“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” - Proverbs 27:19 Our hearts reveal the true us. Let God give the new heart so we can reflect Him.
Prophetic word Concerning The Heart: 8/13/21
I promised that I would give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. Trust ME because I will. Things have happened in your life that you may not agree with, or even understand. But trust and know that I have it all worked out for you.
Some of the things that you are going through are consequences of your actions of the past. But I still love you. I want you to get through this journey. I want you to pass this test of the trying of your faith.
Know that there is greater for you when you obey Me and My word. I have much more in store for you. Many of the trials you have faced are because of your resistance to fully submit to My will. Let go of what you believe you need.
Remember, this, my child, to fear me is the beginning of wisdom. Without proper reverence, honor, and respect for Me, you will make the wrong decisions. I want you to rely on me with your whole heart.
Know that your situation is not too complicated for Me. Your circumstance is not too hard for Me. Let me help you, I the LORD, am here.
Learning to hear the voice of God:
I know that learning to hear the voice of the Lord regularly may not always be easy. If you want to learn how to hear God's voice for sure, I have something special for you HERE.