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How To Operate In The Prophetic: Prophetic Gifts!

Writer's picture: Prophet AndreaProphet Andrea

A giftbox with a gold background wiht the words operate in the prophetic on the left

To operate in the prophetic, you've got to know how you hear from God. The Holy Spirit communicates with you through these spiritual gifts; each one is as unique as the person carrying it. Let's dive deeper into each gift so you can discover where you fit.

1. The Dreamer

Dreams are more than random images; dreamers receive prophetic messages while they sleep. These aren't just vivid dreams—they're layered with meaning, guidance, and revelation.

Think about Joseph in Genesis 37. His dreams about sheaves of wheat and stars weren't just symbols but prophetic blueprints for his destiny. If you're a Dreamer, you might find yourself waking up with vivid dreams that you just can't shake. Write them down! Dreams often hold keys to the future or answers to what's happening right now. God uses this gift to provide direction, warnings, and encouragement, especially when we're still and resting.

2. The Seer

Seers are visual people, but we're not talking about imagination here—we're talking about visions from God. Seers can perceive spiritual realities, often seeing things others cannot, such as angelic activity, future events, or symbolic imagery.

 The prophet Isaiah gives us a powerful example. In Isaiah 6, he had a vision of the Lord sitting on His throne, surrounded by seraphim. That vision wasn't just for Isaiah—it was a call to action and a message for Israel. If you're a Seer, don't be surprised if you catch glimpses of things others miss. God is using your spiritual sight to reveal His plans and purposes.

3. The Hearer

This is the gift of hearing the audible or internal voice of God. Hearers receive clear, direct communication from the Lord, whether it's a gentle whisper, a loud voice, or even a specific phrase or word dropped into their spirit.

 Samuel is a perfect example. In 1 Samuel 3, God called him by name—not once but multiple times—until he understood it was the voice of the Lord. Hearers often have a deep sense of connection because God's words come straight to them. If this is you, stay attentive and obedient, even when what you hear seems unusual or challenges the norm. It's the norm for YOU!

4. The Knower

Knower gifts can feel mysterious, even to the person carrying them. This gift is all about receiving a strong, unshakable sense of knowing something—without a dream, vision, or audible word. It's like God drops the answer or insight directly into your spirit.

Daniel was a master Knower. His ability to interpret dreams and understand mysteries came from a divine inner knowing (Daniel 2). If you've ever said, "I don't know how I know, but I just do," this could be your primary gift. Trust those impressions—they're God's way of speaking straight to your spirit. Also, if you have spontaneous thoughts coming into your mind and those "thoughts", and you see what you were thinking manifest, I want you to pay attention to them. God may be trying to communicate with you in this way, KNOWER.

5.The Feeler

Feelers pick up on the emotions of others or the spiritual atmosphere of a place. This gift goes beyond natural empathy; it's a divine sensitivity to what God is doing or what's happening in the spirit realm. They are truly burden bearers. Gal 6:2 tells us to bear one another's burden. The

 Jeremiah, often called the "Weeping Prophet," carried this gift. His deep emotional connection with God's heart allowed him to prophesy with unmatched compassion and accuracy. Feelers might experience sudden waves of emotion, like joy, grief, or urgency, seemingly out of nowhere. Pay attention—those feelings are often God's prompts for prayer, action, or discernment.

6. The Prophetic Intercessor

Prophetic Intercessors have a special assignment: to stand in the gap between heaven and earth through prayer. Their prayers aren't ordinary; they're Spirit-led, targeted, and often bring about visible shifts in circumstances.

 Abraham's intercession in Genesis 18 is a perfect example. He boldly negotiated with God to spare the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah. If you feel an overwhelming burden to pray for people, situations, or nations—and you see tangible results—you're likely a Prophetic Intercessor. Your prayers carry power to release God's will on earth.

7. The Prophet

A Prophet is responsible for being God's mouthpiece, speaking His words to individuals, communities, and nations. Prophets often operate in multiple reception styles—dreams, visions, knowing, and more—because their calling is to deliver messages that shape and shift spiritual atmospheres.

 Numbers 12:6 says it plainly: "If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream." Prophets often are awakened by visions and dreams.

The Game Changer: The Prophetic Scribe

Now, let me share something special—the Prophetic Scribe. This gift is all about writing down those divine messages. It transformed my own journey when I realized that I could write what God was telling me, just like Habakkuk and Jeremiah did in the Bible. This one's close to my heart because it's how I started—writing down deep, lengthy messages from God before I ever spoke them out loud.

Each gift is powerful and unique, and the best part? You can grow in all of them! As Acts 2:17 reminds us, God has poured out His Spirit on all flesh, and we are called to prophesy. So, which of these gifts resonates with you the most? Take time to reflect, pray, and embrace your primary prophetic reception.

What It Means to Operate in the Prophetic

Operating in the prophetic means actively using your spiritual gifts to receive, interpret, and share God's messages. If you haven't been able to do all that yet, don't stress. By the end of this blog series, you'll get the hang of it.


I'm Prophet Andrea Roberts, and as your prophetic mentor, I'm here to empower you to step boldly into your divine purpose. Remember, most prophets in the Bible didn't walk their prophetic journey alone, and neither should you. If you've read up to this point, hit that subscribe button if you haven't subscribed to this blog already!

Call to Action

Was this helpful? Comment below which prophetic gifts you resonate with. Stay tuned for the next blog post, and let's keep growing together.

Bye now!


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