True prophecy always resonates with God's written Word. It can be a call to repentance, a source of strength, encouragement, and comfort for the church, or wisdom for specific situations. Ultimately, it advances God's divine purposes for His people and His Kingdom.
One of the most common misconceptions in the church today is that "prophecy is only about predicting future events." This belief often leads people to think they aren't operating prophetically if they don't receive dreams, visions, or prophetic downloads about the future.
They might say, "I've never predicted anything, so I must not be prophetic." This misunderstanding requires a crucial clarification: Prophecy can be about delivering God's message for the present moment – offering encouragement, direction, conviction, or confirmation. While it can include future elements, it also communicates God's heart and intentions for His people right now.
Understanding the "Now" in Prophecy
My own journey into the prophetic began with God calling me to "predict and penetrate" the present with warnings. In a setting, with just pen and paper, I received words not about future events, but about the current circumstances of individuals. These messages were direct from God's heart, addressing present needs, struggles, and even past wounds. They were divine insights intended to deepen their relationship with Him and bring about necessary corrections.
This experience unfolded gradually. Sharing these messages with my pastor clarified the true nature of my calling. It illuminated one of the many purposes of prophecy: conveying God's heart and will for His people in the present moment, not just seeing into the future.
Scriptural Foundation of Prophecy
1 Corinthians 14:3 (NKJV) states, "But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men." Let's examine what Scripture says about prophecy.
Who can prophesy?
Acts 2:17 tells us, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams." Prophecy is a byproduct of God pouring out His Spirit in these last days.
Looking at Strong's Definitions:
Prophesies: To speak forth by divine inspiration; to declare the purposes of God, whether foretelling the future or revealing the truth.
Edification: The act of building up, as in constructing a house; metaphorically, spiritual strengthening and improvement.
Exhortation: A calling near for encouragement, urging, or persuasion; can also mean comforting or strengthening.
Comfort: Speaking closely to someone to console, soothe, or bring relief from sorrow.
Prophesying is speaking what God reveals—whether about the future or a message that strengthens and guides. It's not just predicting events, but also teaching or warning according to God's will. Edification is spiritually strengthening someone's faith and helping them grow. Exhortation is urging someone forward and encouraging them to stay faithful. Comfort is bringing peace and encouragement to those struggling.
Tying It All Together
1 Corinthians 14:3 shows us that prophecy should edify (strengthen), exhort (encourage), and comfort (bring peace). It's about helping people grow in faith, stay strong, and find hope in God.
If you are a believer with the Holy Spirit, you can prophesy if you desire. You can speak for the Lord if you believe prophecy is a gift He can give you. 1 Corinthians 14:39 encourages us to "desire earnestly to prophesy."
My goal in this "How to Operate In The Prophetic" series is to help you understand how to reach this point – to understand that speaking for the Lord is not as difficult as it may seem, as long as you yield to the Spirit of God. However, it should be considered a privilege and an honor, treated with reverence and respect.
There are levels to the prophetic and what I've shared here is basic prophecy, available to us all. There is a strong predictive side to the prophetic, but this is primarily for Prophetic Intercessors, Seers, Prophets, and those with the gift of the Word of Knowledge.
If you've ever thought, "I've never predicted anything, so I must not be prophetic," that thought is a block and a hindrance preventing you from operating in the prophetic. If more people understood this, our churches would have much more prophesying. The next time you feel impressed to edify, exhort, or comfort someone, remember this and consider that you may be bubbling up with prophecy. I encourage you to flow!
Imagine the impact on your city, state, country, or nation when you yield to the Spirit of the Lord to prophesy! Remember, don't let fear keep you quiet.
We're nearing the end of our "How To Operate In The Prophetic" series, and what a journey it's been! Each week has built upon the last, equipping you with knowledge and insights to deepen your walk with the Lord.
Remember the power you have when you yield to the Spirit. Prophecy is more than foretelling the future; it's speaking life into the here and now. It's about edification, exhortation, and comfort. It's about being God's voice in a world that desperately needs His truth. Your voice matters, and God is eager to speak through you.
Take Action
Start small – perhaps with a word of encouragement or scripture for a friend. Every great journey starts with a single step. Watch how God moves in your life and the lives of those around you.
Join Virtual Prophetic Mentorship Group
We all struggle with fear sometime thats why I'm passionate about teaching on "Unlocking Your Prophetic Mouth" in my prophetic community.
Don't walk this path alone. Join my prophetic community where you can grow, learn, and share in a space dedicated to nurturing the prophetic voice within you. Let's continue supporting one another as we grow in operating in the prophetic.
👋🏽 Bye Now !
