As we enter the beautiful month of June, I have been given a prophetic word from the Lord that I am eager to share with you. In this season of blooming flowers and vibrant life, God wants to impart a message of hope, restoration, and divine breakthrough. May your hearts be open to receive the words that the Spirit of God has laid upon my heart, and may it bring forth a renewed sense of purpose and expectancy in your lives. Let us embark on this journey together, as we delve into the prophetic word for this month.
Things are beginning to BLOOM in JUNE. Things may have seemed delayed, and it appeared like things would not happen, but you will begin to BLOOM in JUNE.
Yes, the budding of some situations and circumstances was behind. This is because there was not enough cultivation in the realm of the spirit.
There were a lot of distractions taking place. These distractions caused my children to neglect the secret place and the stewardship of my word.
I am not speaking of corporate prayer, worship, or even listening to someone else sermon or messages on social media. I am talking about intimacy between you and me.
Return back to your first LOVE.
REPENT: For Neglecting your own spiritual health
REPENT: For refusing to go through your process
REPENT: For Resisting Me
REPENT: For thinking that your desires for your life is better than what I have planned for you. REPENT!
I need you to change your mind because a BLOOM in JUNE awaits you. You will BOOM in JUNE. Position yourself to be watered by my word, and you shall spring forth like a new dawn.
My child, there is a BLOOM that awaits you at the end of JUNE, says the Holy Ghost.
The BLOOM that awaits you at the end of JUNE is coming with a power that will cause you to produce like you have never produced before. You will begin to flourish as you position yourself for the watering of my word. Yes, there is an ability to thrive that will hit you.
Places of stagnation will begin to catch momentum. The more you plug into me and allow me to fill you, the more your BLOOMING takes place.There will be a freshness upon you, not only in the spirit but in the natural too. Your health and your appearance will glow as you come into agreement and alignment with this word.
Write down three areas you know have been delayed for you.
Write down the solutions for these delays according to my word.
Face the delay head-on.
Write your confession and decree it out of your mouth, morning, noon, and night.
This is watering what needs to BLOOM in JUNE. After you confess and decree, take action. This is where many of my children lack. They need to take action. Faith without works is dead. So water your life with my word, and work the word so that you will BLOOM in JUNE. A BLOOM awaits you.
A BLOOM in your finances
A BLOOM in your health
A BLOOM in your marital status
A BLOOM in your business
A BLOOM in your family
A BLOOM in your womb
A BLOOM in your breakthrough
A BLOOM in your mind
A BLOOM in your body
A BLOOM in your soul
A BLOOM in your spirit
There is a BLOOM.
The bud has been there all along. The bud just needed a little more of the sun. And just like a natural bud needs more sun, you need more of My Son, says the LORD! Yes, you need more of Jesus. Emanuel, God with you, the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you. Springing forth like a well that never runs dry. This will allow your BLOOM in JUNE to come forth like never before.
Many of you will need to keep fresh flowers in your home as a reminder of this word. The flowers will remind you that there is a BLOOM that awaits you in JUNE, says the Lord🌻 🌸 🌹🌼 🌺🌷
As we conclude our exploration of the prophetic word for the month of June, I pray that the words spoken have resonated deep within your spirit. May the seeds of hope and promise that have been sown find fertile ground in your hearts, causing a blossoming of faith and expectation. Remember, that God's timing is perfect, and His plans for your life are abundant. As we enter this month, let us hold onto the promises of God, trusting in His faithfulness and sovereignty. May you experience a blooming of God's blessings, favor, and breakthroughs in your life. May your JUNE be filled with BLOOM and the fragrance of His presence, and may His love continue to guide you every step of the way. I pray that God will bless you abundantly, and may you continue to seek His face with unwavering faith."
I hope you were able to pull out the prophetic instructions from this prophetic word. There were 5 in to There were 5 in total. I will write them again for you.
REPENT: You know what areas resonate with you.
Write down three areas you know have been delayed for you.
Write down the solutions for these delays according to my word.
Face the delay head-on.
Write your confession and decree it out of your mouth, morning, noon, and night.
Keep fresh flowers in your home: This is for those who need a reminder of this word.
If this word resonates with you I need you to do three things.
1️⃣ Comment below.
2️⃣ Share this with as many people you know who need to hear this.
3️⃣ Subscribe to my blog and stay connected by going HERE.
If you would like to join me for Consecrate 2023 prayer & fasting, held on the first 10 days of every month you can register by going HERE for more details.
God bless you, and see you next time.
Also you can watch the release of this word on my YouTube Channel below!
We are at the end of June I receive this word
I shall Bloom in June...this is a timely, needful word of our Lord. It indeed ministered to my heart, soul and spirit. I appreciate the prophetic instructions. Glory to God in the highest.