On 9/6/22, I was journaling at 2 Am, and the Lord told me to read Psalm 77. After reading Verses, 10- 15 began to leap off the page at me.
…..” But I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.” I will remember the works of the Lord; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds. Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. You have with Your arm redeemed Your people,”.........- NKJV
And the word of the Lord came to me saying.
Tell my children to remember Me. In the midst of discouragement, remember me. You may not have the words to express what you feel but remember Me. I have not left you. Remember that I will provide.
When your soul aches and refuses help, remember me. As you focus your thoughts and attention on me, the negative thoughts will turn to positive thoughts. Your tears will turn to joy, and your misery will turn to peace; Remember Me.
The blows of life come, but don’t forget to remember me. And even as you remember Me, you may get mad at Me because you disagree, remember me. For I, the Lord your God, will move obstacles out of your path. I will continue to fight for you. I care for you, and I care about you. All you need is wrapped up in your ability to remember Me.
When you think of all of the things I’ve done for you, let those memories minister to you as you begin to think about everything I brought you through. Let it reassure you that I am that same God. Even though you may be at a loss for words, you are not at a loss for thoughts, think of and remember me, and let your mind worship me, with silent lips, but a worshipful mind, remember me.
And when you remember me, it will change your perspective, for I am changing the way you see your situation. I am changing the way you view your circumstance. As you fix your mind to remember Me, it will cause you to forget the things that cause pain. As you think of how I brought you through heartache, your heart will begin to heal.
As you remember how I protected you from a mental break in the past, know that your mind shall and will be covered; Remember Me. Don’t forget what I have done because it will always be a reminder of what I will do for you. Remember me, remember me, remember me says the Lord. Remember who I am to you. Remember the things you’ve gone through, never forget that I, the Lord was with you, remember Me!
Causing your mind to remember me is a spiritual warfare tactic. The enemy of your soul has been trying to wear you out in the seat of emotions. But remember me. Go through this season remembering Me. Then go into praise that will cause the enemy to be confused.
Remember me, says the Spirit of the living God.
One of the things that anchor us in the area of our emotions is our ability to pray to our heavenly father in the secret place. There is nothing like secret place prayer to get us right where we need to be.