As I awakened out of my sleep this morning, 9/13/22, at 8:32 AM. I heard the Spirit of the Lord say. Revival Is coming to Ireland. There is something that I am going to do in this land that will cause a revival to spring forth. For this land does not know me the way they used to. Do not turn to other gods. For what you need, turn to Me, says the Lord. Ireland, I am calling you to another place in Me. Do not let debauchery get in the way of what I want to do in this land.
The green fields that you know will turn into fire fields. This nation will burn with desire for Me. This nation will see that they need Me. Politically they will begin to lean on Me. Lean on Me, Ireland, for there is something I want to do in your land. Revival is coming to Ireland.
I desire for this land to prosper; I desire for this land to be pure, and I desire for this land to be protected by the blood of my Son Jesus Christ. I have great plans for this land, but there must be a revival for those plans to come forth. Revival is coming to Ireland.
Says the Spirit of The Living God!