Spiritual Deception is Increasing
False spirituality, false doctrines, and false prophetic movements are rising and will only continue to increase. The enemy is subtle, and false spiritual deception never presents itself as deception. It disguises itself as something that sounds spiritual, looks right, and even feels good.
Do Not Neglect the Word of God in This Season
I released a prophetic word on It’s Prophetic! Live on Friday—do not neglect your time of reading and eating the Word of God. You can read but not eat. You can hear but not digest. But in this hour, you must be intentional about consuming the Word as your daily spiritual nourishment.
Just as you eat natural food daily, so must you consume your spiritual food—the Word of God. It is what strengthens you, grounds you, and protects you from deception.
Why This Matters Now More Than Ever
Falsehood is on the rise, and false spirituality, false doctrines, and false prophetic movements will only increase. As prophetic people, we cannot afford to be spiritually malnourished.
The Word of God is the discerner. Without it, you won’t be able to separate truth from deception. When things are being spoken “in the name of the prophetic,” you need the Word in you to sift through what is true and what is false. Otherwise, you will be led astray.
Rightly Dividing the Word
It is not enough to simply read; you must rightly divide the Word (2 Timothy 2:15). Many prophetic people struggle with imbalance because they lean too much on revelation without a strong biblical foundation. Revelation without the Word can lead to error.
If you do not immerse yourself in Scripture, you will become vulnerable to the voice of a stranger.
Recognizing the Voice of the Father
The Bible says, “My sheep know My voice, and a stranger they will not follow.” (John 10:27)
Many follow strange fires, doctrines, and gods because they do not truly know His voice. Just because someone preaches well or prophesies accurately does not mean they are speaking for God.
“I am gonna cause a mass exodus out of religion; if they get a hold of my voice, they gone walk away. You talked about the falling away.
Well, I’m gonna be a part of that. I’m gonna help with the falling away. It’s time to awaken.” - Dr. Joshua Johnson.
Dr. Joshua is a former Christian Prophet and preacher who recently denounced Christianity as his faith is now known as a New Age Apostle. He made this decision based on an Angelic visitation in which the Angel said to him that Christianity was not the true religion. Dr. Joshua heard a voice but did not recognize it as a stranger.
Even Peter, a disciple of Jesus, had to be rebuked: “Satan, the Lord rebuke you!” If it could happen to Peter, it can happen to anyone. If Jesus had to correct deception right next to Him, how much more do we need discernment today?
Do You Love God More?
We live in a time when many do not want to live holy lives anymore. But there is still a remnant—those who love God more than their flesh, more than their own desires.
This is the question: Do you love God more?
More than your comfort?
More than your emotions?
More than your desires?
More than the validation of people?
God’s love language is obedience (John 14:15). He is calling for a radical return to sanctification and true repentance.
A Call to Repentance
God is saying, “Turn back to Me.” If you have been led astray, distracted, or intoxicated by anything that pulls you away from God and His calling on your life, this is your moment to repent.
What has you so intoxicated that you cannot follow God?
Is it success?
Is it a relationship?
Is it a desire for validation?
Is it entertainment, distractions, or the opinions of others?
The Bible commands us to be sober-minded (1 Peter 5:8). Whatever has taken your spiritual sobriety is an idol.
This is a “Choose This Day” Moment
God is calling for a decision. Just as Joshua declared, “Choose this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15), today is a day of choosing.
If this Word is convicting you, it is time to lay down the idols.
Repent. Change your mind and your ways.
Die daily. Crucify your flesh and surrender to God’s will.
Eat the Word. Let it transform you from the inside out.
A Prayer of Repentance
Father, I pray for every person reading this who has found themselves in this Word. Your Word says that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
Lord, we repent. We turn from every idol, every distraction, and every place of compromise. Help us to love You more than our own desires. Give us a hunger for Your Word. Give us the strength to obey even when it is hard. Let our lives be pleasing to You. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen!
What Happens When You Stand for Truth?
Friday, I posted this on my social media and want to share it with you.

“Lost a few followers today here on Facebook 😏 after It’s Prophetic! LIVE this morning. A pattern I notice here is that every time the LORD hijacks the LIVE with a call to REPENTANCE, I lose followers.
Let me say this:
I will NEVER be a prophet who prophesies what you want to hear. But, I will always prophesy what HE (God) wants to say, even if you don’t want to hear it.
I will NEVER apologize for piercing hearts over tickling flesh and scratching itching ears.
I will NEVER apologize for declaring that prophecy must align with God’s Scripture and that Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy.
I will NEVER apologize for rescuing souls from the grip of false spirituality and turning them from darkness to the truth and light only found in Jesus Christ.
I will NEVER apologize for calling God’s people to repent by getting rid of modern-day idols because every time I do, His sons and daughters are restored to Him.
I will NEVER apologize for prioritizing being God’s Prophet more than being a prophetic mentor.
I will NEVER apologize for being Christ’s Kingdom REGULATOR."
The truth is, when you take a stand for God—when you boldly call for repentance, uphold the Word, and refuse to bow to the pressure of pleasing people—you will lose some folks.
But let me tell you something: I am not called to be liked. I am called to be faithful.
And so are you.
The enemy would love for you to stay weak, silent, and uncertain. But this is not the time to shrink back. This is the time to stand firm in the Word, grow in boldness, and refuse to be led astray.
So Here’s My Question for You:
Do you want to hear God’s voice clearly in a time of increasing deception?
Do you want to walk boldly in your prophetic calling without fear of people?
Do you want to grow in confidence as a prophetic voice rooted in Scripture, not just revelation?
Then, it’s time to get serious about your prophetic growth.
A Community for Those Who Refuse to Compromise
If you know, God is calling you to grow in the prophetic the right way—with clarity, boldness, and scriptural alignment—then I invite you to join the Virtual Prophetic Mentorship Group (VPMG).
VPMG isn’t just another community—it’s a training ground for bold prophetic believers who refuse to compromise.
Inside VPMG, you will:
✅ Gain clarity and confidence in your prophetic gift.
✅ Be trained to discern truth from deception.
✅ Learn how to boldly declare what God says without fear of people.
✅ Receive prophetic mentorship from a proven prophetic leader.
If you’re tired of watered-down prophecies and ready to grow, this is your invitation.
👉 Join the Virtual Prophetic Mentorship Group today! Click here to learn more.
Let’s rise up, walk in boldness, and refuse to bow to deception. The remnant is rising. Will you be part of it?
🔥 Prophet Andrea