The Season of Multiple arks continued. When the word of the Lord came to me last year concerning The Season of Multiple Arks being for 2021 and beyond, it came upon me as though this was a word for a decade, not just a year. On the morning of November 23, 2022. God began to speak to me about Noah, and He said this.
Noah built his ark by himself. He had no team, and he had no help. Noah built the ark purely based on My instructions, says the Lord. Some builders are frustrated because they need support, or if they do have help, it's not the right help.
God wants me to encourage Noah, the (builder) with no team. The builder who has been trying year after year to get the right team, but it's not working out. The Lord says it's not working because it is yours to build.
Noah had never seen an ark before, but he followed my instructions.
Just as I gave Noah the blueprint, so shall I give a blueprint unto you. And Just as Noah obeyed, so shall you. And just as Noah had tools to build the ark, so shall you have tools to build yours too. You, too, will build your ark and bring your family too. Your ark will sustain you and bring you to the other side. Because of Noah's creativity, you, me, and everyone else are here today. Noah obeyed.
I hear the Lord saying:
So that others can make it through because of you.
Over the next three years, technologies will grow exponentially as the world continues advancing with AI. There will also be an increase in children/youth inventors. These will be the young Noahs. Many children will be wealthier than adults due to their ability to obey the Lord through creativity.
Creativity has a voice. More and more opportunities will be made available for the everyday person to create arks of safety for those in their family.
Then I heard the Lord say,
If my children walk in creative obedience, they will tap into another side of themselves that they didn't know existed. This is the season to build.
Happy New Year & Abundant Grace and Mercy!