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Unlocking Your Prophetic Voice: Articulating God's Messages with Clarity

Writer's picture: Prophet AndreaProphet Andrea

Prophet Andrea Roberts on white background with Operate In the Prophetic written on it.

Have you ever experienced having a fire burning inside—a word or revelation from the Lord that's just bursting to get out? But then, when you try to speak, it just… falls flat.


You know what I mean? In your mind, you understand exactly what God is saying, crystal clear. But somewhere between your spirit, mind, and mouth, there's a disconnection. It's like the message gets lost in translation.


This revelation is so good for your soul; it's feeding you and changing you, but when you try to get it out, it doesn't have the same effect on others.


It's frustrating, right?


Especially when you know you are growing in your ability to hear from the LORD. You are excited and want others around you to be just as excited. But they can't because every time you try to explain what God has shared with you through a dream, vision, or prophecy, you think it's coming out right, but their response lets you know they don't get it.


It's frustrating when:

  • You know God is speaking,

  • You can't explain in a way that helps others understand,

  • You stop sharing because you just think, "People don't get it."


This is a form of muzzling your own mouth. Sometimes, we point the finger at the enemy when we are choosing to keep our mouths shut because of our own struggles.


See, when you don't share the messages that God gives you for others, the enemy wins. But there are also consequences for that as well. Suppose the LORD gives you a warning for someone, and you don't share it.


Let's look at Ezekiel 3:18:

"When I say to the wicked, 'You will certainly die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to tell him to turn from his wicked way to save his life, that same evil man will die in his sin; but you will be responsible for his blood."


You probably think, "I went for the jugular." Well, I wanted you to understand why it's so important that we know how to articulate what the LORD is trying to tell us.


I've been there, especially during my prophetic awakening. During that time, I experienced so much revelation from the Holy Spirit. I would try to explain it to others, but they would not get it. And to be honest, now that I think about it, it probably wasn't for them to get; it was for me to know that God is speaking to me, for me.


But when the LORD is ready for you to begin to operate in the prophetic, you must know how to articulate what He is trying to communicate with you for others.


I remember the first time I had to give a word of warning to someone. I didn't even know that what I was saying was a word of warning. Back then, I used to just get these "feelings," or I would just "know" things and blurt them out. "Hey, be careful!", "Don't go to this place," "Don't marry this person."


Often, the people would get scared because they could sense that what I was saying had a deeper meaning. But at the time, I did not know how to articulate what the LORD was telling me. I didn't know how to fully articulate what God was telling me. And if I tried, the people just didn't understand.


Articulation: The ability to express thoughts, ideas, or feelings clearly and effectively through speech or writing. It involves using precise language, strong delivery, and purposeful communication to ensure your message is easily understood and impactful.


Initially, some of the words I received were vague. "Be careful" could have so many layers. However, the young man that I gave that word of warning remembered it hours later when he decided to go to a bar, got stabbed, and ended up spending years in jail afterward.


Or another "be careful" 2 hours later, another young man was jumped and beaten really severely and was hospitalized. Or the "don't marry this person," the young lady ended up in an abusive marriage that took her off destiny.


They were vague, but that was all I could articulate at that stage of my journey. There was more, I'm sure. But doubt made me second-guess myself, and I could only give a piece of what I knew.


When we operate in the prophetic, God wants us to be able to articulate His will and feelings with precision so that people not only understand but are also impacted by the messages of God.


Tips I Can Give To Help You Grow In Your Prophetic Articulation:

Note: I may earn a small commission from affiliate links at no cost to you. I only recommend products I personally believe add value for my readers.

Prayer: Communicate with God regularly.


Reading Scripture: Learn Him. Here is where you find out. EVERYTHING there is to know about God. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Reading the word is a BIG KEY. Think about it. How can you speak for someone if you don't know them? You know how you can spend so much time with someone that you know what they will say and do even before they do.


Well, that is how we should be able to articulate God's messages when we are operating prophetically. We should know Him so well through His word that we know how to communicate for Him because we already have 66 books of scripture that show us how He speaks.


Worship: Connects you to the heart of God. He loves it, and so will you.


Keeping a Prophetic Journal: Log all your dreams, visions, and prophetic downloads in one place. Color-coordinate it if you need to. I do; it helps me keep things flowing.


Reading Books: Reading helps your vocabulary. Resources like The Prophet's Dictionary by Apostle Paula Price, PhD, and Understanding the Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan are good places to start.


Faith: You will only prophesy to the degree that you have.


Prophetic Mentorship & Training: I underwent prophetic training for years without a mentor. When I got mentorship, God revealed that I was supposed to mentor others in the prophetic as well. Over the past six years, I have had the privilege of helping hundreds of people grow in the prophetic.


So, if you are reading this newsletter and would like to consider it, you should take your prophetic journey to the next level with a mentor and a prophetic community.


Consider joining Virtual Prophetic Mentorship Group or heading to Virtual Prophetic School so you can learn how to grow in the prophetic by articulating the messages from the Holy Spirit with confidence.


You won't regret it!


As we journey through "How to Operate in the Prophetic," I'm amazed at how these teachings are coming alive in your lives. From Discovering Your Gifts to Interpretation and now Articulation, each step builds upon the last to equip you.


The prophetic isn't just about learning—it's about doing. My heart soars when I see people stepping out in faith, letting the Holy Spirit flow through them with confidence.


Keep pressing in, keep practicing, and, most importantly, keep listening for His voice. Until next time, may your prophetic gifts continue to flourish. God bless you!

To learn more about operating in the prophetic, I encourage you to read Parts One and Two of this series. Subscribe below to stay connected!

👋🏽 Bye Now!

Prophet Andrea Roberts Signature with 3 hearts


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