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What's God Saying for 2025? - Part 2

Writer's picture: Alexia JonesAlexia Jones

One thing we know for certain, regardless of what's going on, is that God reveals his secrets to his servants the Prophets. And that's on Mary had a little Lamb!!

As a prophetic tribe, we know that if God is speaking to one, he is most likely speaking to all.

A few members from the VPM community inquired the Lord regarding the Body of Christ, Nation, and World. Here's what Abba Father shared with them.

Prophetic Release for the Body of Christ:

First things first, I love those who belong to me.

"Because of my great love for you, I must purge you. For you are my most prized possession, a holy nation and royal priesthood.

But, Some have forgotten my precepts, or choose to ignore them, while others were never taught, therefore I am calling you back to your rightful place as the bride of Christ.

I am calling you higher, therefore, more dying to self is required.

Let holiness, sanctification and purification be your new normal, for I am calling you. Yes! I am calling you back to a place where you will be as radiant as the sun, without a spot, a wrinkle, or any blemish.

You must be set apart!

No longer will the world be confused about you, unable to distinguish you from the heathens.

You must reflect my image. So that I will be glorified in the earth.

They will know you are mine and they will know I am He who was, who is, and is to come as I shine my light through you ridding you from darkness.

Yes, forcefully I am driving darkness out. Even the darkness that is hidden will no longer be hidden.

Watch me work for I am doing a NEW thing, says the Lord!

Once again, my body and I will be one as I make it like new again.

The world will look upon you and be amazed as I demonstrate my glory in you and as I reveal my glory upon the earth."

-💙PIT Alexia

Don't get CAUGHT UP and miss ME!

“Don’t get so caught up in denominations that you miss opportunities to experience my presence in a community of believers. Do not idolize denominations." Be intentional in my presence. "Seek me with more intentionality this next year. Do not be so fixed in your routine that you do not leave time for me to flow freely. Devotional and prayer time are not devotional and prayer time if your mind is elsewhere."

Create space for me! Fully be with me.

"I want and need you to bring your spirit, your mind, and your soul to our intimate time. Some things need to be worked out but if you are halfway there, you will receive halfway instruction, halfway blessings, and halfway deliverance." "Halfway means there is more to be released to you." Do not settle for halfway this next year. It's time.

It is time to truly devote and submit yourself to Me. Halfway obedience is disobedience, which is never pleasing in My sight. Yes, it is time to surrender all to me! "Give yourselves fully over to Me this next year." "It will change your life and the lives of those connected to you.”

  - 💛 PIT Dr. Angel

Do Not Get Off the Wall, says God! "I am near." "Do not be distracted by things of the world but be watchful of the things that are coming near." My prophets, be mindful of the small stuff.


"Things may look good from the outside, but they are covering things up, so you will not be paying attention." But stay on the wall, "stay on your wall when I wake you, stay up for a while."

Listen! "Listen to my instructions." "Yes, I am giving instructions."

Listen, says God, "I am near."

Things are coming. Be watchful. "Don't get off the wall until I say." "I will have you close to me." Will you stay close? "Stay close, I say."

Wake up, says God.

"Wake up, why are you sleeping?" Why are you sleeping while the enemy is at his peak, "trying to destroy the land that God has made?" "Why are you sleeping?

Wake up, wake up!

I am near. I AM looking at who will be the vessel and who will be the one, two, or three of the tribe.

Stay On the Wall, God says!

- 💙PIT Velva

In the tribe, we know God is speaking to us. What's God speaking to you? Let us know in the comments.

👋🏽 Bye Now!

You can read part one HERE!


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